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2022年12月05日 11:04:21 访问量:202

Unit5 What does he do? 

A Let’s try & Let’s talk  教学设计及反思

唐山市丰南区实验小学东校区 曹会玲




Let’s try


·能够运用基本听力技巧完成Let’s try板块的听力任务

Let’s talk

·能够通过观察、谈论Let’s talk板块的图片,在PPT和老师的帮助下理解对话大意,并能回答对话后面的问题


·能够在情景中运用句型“—What does he/she do?He/ She is…”谈论人物的职业


·能够在语境中借助图片等理解“country, head teacher”的意思,并能正确发音



能够在情景中运用句型“—What does he/ she do?He/ She is…”谈论人物的职业。




Step 1: Warm-up & Revision & Lead-in

1. Greetings.

2. Revision

Listen to a song <What do you wanna be>  欣赏歌曲,说出所听到的职业。

Show some pictures of different jobs on the PPT. Help students review the words of the jobs.(课件出示:一些不同职业的图片及其职业词汇,如:driver, doctor, cook, farmer, basketball player, dancer, singer 等,最后在中间呈现“jobs”)

3. Lead-in.

T: Today is Parents’ Day. Our friends’ parents will come to school to meet the teachers. Who will come? Can you guess?

Ss: ...

Step 2: Presentation

1. Listen and circle.

(1) Show the part of Let’s try to students. Students read the question by themselves.(课件出示:教材P48 Let’s try板块的内容)

T: Listen to the recording. Please pay attention to the bold words. Who will come?

(2) Play the recording.(课件出示:教材P48 Let’s try板块的音频)

Students listen to the recording and try to answer the question.

(3) Play the recording again and ask students to circle the answers in the book.(出示课件)Then check the answers.

: What does Sarah’s father do? Is he a doctor, a teacher or a taxi driver?

Ss: He’s a doctor.

Teaching purpose



2. Look and predict.

Show the picture of Let’s talk to students. Let students look at the picture carefully. Ask some questions to lead them to predict the main idea of the dialogue.(课件出示:教材P48 Let’s talk板块的图片)

Questions: Who are they?/ Who are they talking about?/ Is it Parents’ Day today? Who will come? Oliver’s father or his mother, or both/

Teaching purpose



3. Watch and answer.

Show the questions on the PPT. Let students watch the cartoon and try to answer the questions.(课件出示:教材P47 Let’s talk板块的视频及下列问题)

Q1: Who are they talking about?They are talking about Oliver’s father and mother.

Q2: Who will come?Oliver’s mother will come.

T: Yes. Oliver’s mother will come today. And how about Oliver’s father?

S1: Oliver’s father can’t come.

T: Why?

S2: Because Oliver’s father is in Australia now.

Teaching purpose



4. Read and answer.

Students read the dialogue and try to answer the questions.(课件出示:下列问题)

Q3: What does Oliver’s father do?


Q4: What does Oliver’s mother do?

T: What does Oliver’s father do?

S1: He’s a businessman.

T: Yes. He’s a businessman. He sales things. He often goes to other countries. Maybe Japan, the USA, ...

Help students understand the words “businessman, country”. Teach the words. Students learn to read.

T: What does Oliver’s mother do?

S2: She’s a teacher.

T: Yes! She’s a head teacher. In our school, Mr/Mrsis our head teacher.

Teach the phrase “head teacher”. Students learn to read.

T: Do you want to be a head teacher? (Ask several students. Help them to answer.)

S3: Yes. I want to be a head teacher. / No, I want to be a/an…

T: What does Oliver’s father do? What does Oliver’s mother do? How does Sarah ask? How does Oliver answer?

Write down the sentence structures “—What does he/she do? —He/ She is…” on the blackboard.

Students practice in pairs.

Teaching purpose



5. Read and act.

(1)Students read after the recording. Pay attention to the pronunciation and the intonation.(出示课件)

(2)Let students practice the dialogue in groups. Then act out.

(3)Make a new dialogue.

Teaching purpose


Step 3: Practice and consolidation

1. Choose and say.

Show some word cardswriter, cleaner, taxi driver, singer, dancer, football playerto students. Students read the words and the phrases one by one.

Then let some students choose one card each time. And ask them to use the sentences to describe it. For example, “I like writing stories for children.” The boys ask, “What does he/she do?” The girls answer, “He/She is a writer.” Then exchange.

Teaching purpose


2. Show some pictures of different jobs

Enjoy some pictures of different jobs.

Teaching purpose



1. Practice the dialogue.

2. Do the exercises.


1. 整个教学设计流程清晰,很好地达成了课程教学目标。

2. 逐步帮助学生读懂题目要求,引导学生学会听前预测听力的重点内容。

3. 在情境中理解,在活动中运用,突出语用功能。通过创设合理情景,帮助学生在情景中真实自然地使用所学语言,突出教学重点。

4. 本节课虽是一节网课,但全程采用群语音,连麦,发送答题卡等形式与学生互动,学生积极参与。由于时间关系和网课的特殊性整节课更加注重了学生的朗读指导,取消了学生自编对话的过程,感觉不够完美。











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